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ORIE 4990

Course description (from class roster):

Involves working as a TA in an ORIE course. The instructor assigns credits (the guideline is 1 credit per four hours per week of work with a limit of 3 credits).

Offered: Fall, Spring.

This is the placeholder course for being a TA in ORIE.

Do I need to know Python?

Yes, you should know Python before you decide to TA an ORIE course. There are a lot of courses that have Python activities incorporated into them, and even if a course did not require Python in any way when you took it, it might require it now. For example, back in Fall 2019, ENGRI 1101 did not require Python, as the course activities mostly involved AMPL; within a couple semesters, the course was using Python and OR-Tools in many of its labs.

What do I need to know?

Not that much, probably. It really depends what course you're TAing. For ENGRD 2700, for example, even though the course may not explicitly require Python (and may teach R instead of Python some semesters), many students prefer to submit Python code with their solutions, so you should at least be able to read the few lines of code a student submits to verify that it's correct (or at least not complete garbage). For ORIE 4580, on the other hand, there is a large project involving Python (although a few students may choose to use Simio or something else instead), so you should definitely be very familiar with Python. But to be fair if you're TAing 4580 you probably did the project yourself and should already be pretty fluent.