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ORIE 3510

Course description (from class roster):

Uses basic concepts and techniques of random processes to construct models for a variety of problems of practical interest. Topics include the Poisson process, Markov chains, renewal theory, models for queuing, and reliability.

Offered: Spring, Summer.

Prerequisites: ORIE 3500 or equivalent.

Is Python used?

It depends. In earlier versions of this course, there was a project that all students needed to complete which could be done in either Python or MATLAB. Recently, there was a change so that only the graduate version of the course (ORIE 5510) needed to do the project. So, if you are taking ORIE 5510, then you will probably be using Python; otherwise, you will probably not.

If Python is used, where is it used?

Python may be used on a project.

What is Python used for?

The project on which Python may be used involved creating a model of a Markov chain of some kind. In 2021, the project involved the use of the TensorFlow machine learning library.

What do I need to know?

If you are taking the graduate version (ORIE 5510) of this course, you should have a decent understanding of Python; at the minimum, you should be familiar with the material covered in CS 1110, and maybe have some algorithm knowledge on the level of CS 2110.

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