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ORIE 3310

Course description (from class roster):

A variety of optimization methods stressing extensions of linear programming and its applications but also including topics drawn from integer programming, dynamic programming, and network optimization. Formulation and modeling are stressed as well as numerous applications.

Offered: Spring, Summer.

Prerequisites: ORIE 3300 or permission of instructor.

Is Python used?

Yes. The course used to use AMPL (several years ago), but switched to Python, maybe around the same time the ORIE department as a whole switched.

If Python is used, where is it used?

Python is in labs.

What is Python used for?

Most of the Python is in Jupyter Notebooks, which contain demonstrations of algorithms and ILP formulations.

What do I need to know?

You should have a decent understanding of Python; at the minimum, you should be familiar with the material covered in CS 1110, and maybe have some algorithm knowledge on the level of CS 2110. (Actually, CS 2110 is a prerequisite for this course.)

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