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ORIE 3120

Course description (from class roster):

The practical use of software tools and mathematical methods from operations research, machine learning, statistics and data science. Software tools include structured query language (SQL), geographical information systems (GIS), Excel and Visual Basic programming (VBA), and programming in a scripting language (either R or Python). Operations research methods include inventory management, discrete event simulation, and an introduction to the analysis of queuing systems. Machine learning and statistical methods include multiple linear regression, classification, logistic regression, clustering, time-series forecasting, and the design and analysis of A/B tests. These topics will be presented in the context of business applications from transportation, manufacturing, retail, and e-commerce.

Offered: Spring.

Prerequisite/Corequisite: ENGRD 2700.

Is Python used?

Yes, heavily.

If Python is used, where is it used?

Python is used on homeworks, in labs, and also on exams. There is a project as well, which uses Python.

What is Python used for?

Most of the Python is in Jupyter Notebooks, where it is used for data analysis. Students practice using pandas, NumPy, and SciPy.

What do I need to know?

You should have a minimal understanding of Python; at the bare minimum, you should be familiar with the material covered in CS 1133.

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